
9/25垃圾 - 真相(不是保罗·皮尔斯)


I arrived at Hollywood Bowl at around 6:45 pm. They had league so it was almost impossible to find a parking spot. After getting inside I saw TheTinfoil and The X-Man sitting at a table so I joined them. At that point there were four of us there including Philthyanimal. Prez showed up next around 7. We went and talked to the desk about how long it would be to get a lane. She was a beezy both times we have had bedge bowl. She said the wait would be about an hour. We weighed our options of waiting or going to another bowling alley while we waited for BRP to show up. We decided to stay and wait it out since none of us had anything to do later. BRP showed up and bought us all a pitcher of beer and a pitcher of Pepsi (Thanks BRP!!!). BRP couldn't stay to bowl as he had to go home and read for his daughter since she's in school now. While we were all having a fun time, one older guy came and asked if we wanted to join the league. We would have to commit to being there Wednesday for 26 weeks. We all obviously wanted no part of this league but the guy went on for a good 5 minutes trying to sell it to us. I blame TheTinfoil as he was the only one that continued to talk to him during the sales pitch. After waiting until about 8:15 we finally got a lane.

当我们到达车道时,我们旁边有一个老家伙保龄球。我们没有打扰他,他也没有打扰我们。第一场比赛大约有2帧,一个小的黑人孩子来找我们试图以4美元的价格出售Dove Chocolate Bars。Thetinfoil是唯一购买的人,我相信那是牛奶巧克力。锡箔也是唯一吃巧克力的人。Philthy还捐赠了一美元。不幸的是,我失去了第一场比赛,这导致了我和Prez的臭名昭著。我回来了第二场比赛,虽然赢了,但是我仍然不太好打球。第二场比赛后离开了Thetinfoil,我们进行了替代(对不起,我忘了您的SN!)


  1. 如果我赢了,Prezofdeath,Philthyanimal和X-Man必须将他们的信号更改为“ Starvin'Marvin在保龄球上击败我”
  2. 如果我输给三个中的任何一个,我就不得不把我迷失在信号中的任何人。我最终输给了那场比赛的X-Man和Prez。我的新信号现在是“我输给了保龄球的X-Man和Prezofdeath。:( :( :( :( :(”


  1. 如果我获胜,我可以选择Prezofdeath和Philthyanimal的化身。
  2. 如果Prez或Philthy获胜,他们可以集体选择我的头像

我说:“如果我打败你了100 ?”在这一点上Prez said "If you beat my by 100, I will retire Prezofdeath forever." I gladly took the deal knowing that I could easily beat prez by 100. I got off to a good start that game with a turkey but then left a big split. After missing the split and before my next frame, we had the funniest moment of the night. The X-Man had thrown a good shot on his first ball but left a 5 pin. In his attempt to pick up the spare, he fell on the lane face first. He went at least 5 feet down the lane, but still managed to pick up the spare. He had me laughing so hard that I was crying but it didn't effect my bowling. I put together 2 more strikes, got a spare, then had 2 more strikes. Prez wasn't doing well at all during this game, I think I got into his head seeing as he threw multiple splits. Anyway come the 10th frame, I needed to hit just 5 pins to win. I got 9 pins in the 10th frame for a final score of 206 while prez finished with a 99. That's a win by 107 pins for those who don't want to do the math.




New negotiations:

  1. Prez keeps his name
  2. 不得不摇滚一张信号,以纪念我击败他100,直到重新季节开始
  3. Rocks his new avatar until the start of the reg season
  4. 在所有未来的Bedge活动上都穿“我爱袜子”衬衫
  5. Phil gets to pick his own avatar again
  6. My sig gets changed back to whatever I want