
9/26 junk drawer re: your face

So I have noticed a trend lately, one that promises to take away all that is good and fun from our clever little junk drawers, and replace them with pedestrian mediocrity and a complete and total lack of spontaneity. This trend that I speak of follows the known phenomena whereas something clever and indy goes all mainstream and loses all of the shine that made it attractive in the first place. The subject of this trend? YOUR FACE! This is becoming a part of the lexicon for too large a segment of the population. The masses are gathering to steal away our beloved and endearing burn! We cannot allow this to happen. I'm not suggesting that we somehow go after the perpetrators of this injustice, (they're everywhere, they could be your friends, your neighbors, your family, maybe even YOUR FACE!). What I am suggesting is we come up with some new, more creative burns that couldn't possibly be known to the brainless mob, that exists out there in the world we used to know before we decided it was much better for us to spend our time showing each other how sharp and witty we are here in the land of make believe. So here's one to get us started: instead of replying "Your Face!" to something we may want to act like we object too, we say "You Suck", no wait I think Sandler has the market cornered on that one. Oh geez, umm, umm I'm thinking, Oh I got it "Your FACE", CRUD! I think it may be too late for me, maybe I'm trying too hard, I don't know. This must be what addiction feels like, it's just so natural for me to fall back on your face, I can't imagine a world without YOUR FACE! Dang main stream! Why do you destroy everything we love, with your STUPID FACE!