
Junk drawer 9/27 - 3 electronic devices I can't live without

No new junk drawer yet. So here is a topic for discussion from my collection: Which 3 electronic devices can't you live without - or least live without. You can live without the Internet and electricity after all. Or indoor plumbing. But why would you?

Here are my top 3:

3. My electric shaver. I love it. I have used bad electronic shavers and wet shaving for years, and it always sucked. Now about 3 years ago I have found one I can use to get the job done clean, fast and without irritation no matter if the hair is long or short. And it stays charged for weeks. It's a Philips. I love it.

2. My iPod. More so than always carrying a mobile phone, I always carry a music player. Have done so ever since the first generation. I listen to music, podcasts, books wherever I stand and go. In the airport, in the bus, grocery shopping, everywhere.

1.我的笔记本电脑/电脑(互联网接入,otherwise it's just a pretty useless typewriter). I guess more so than my TV. Since I can watch TV on it if I wanted to. I could do without a TV, but without a computer it would be hard to literally stay connected. And I couldn't fill up my iPod.

Voting topic: I guess many people have seen what the creators claim to be the World's Longest Basketball Shot/Throw from the third deck of a college football stadium by now. I think it was a FanShot. What's you opinion on it. Vote now.