
The sun will come out tomorrow -- -Junk Edition

Is it the weather? Is that why I have no morning Junk to get my day started? Hmmm. You peoples should know how I feel about that by now. One day of rain and it's like all that long hot summer weather has been vanquished from our memories.Despite getting soaked to the bone yesterday in an afternoon deluge, I really enjoy stormy weather.

So I was perusing the recent lack of love for the world's goodest Trail Blazer and felt a tinge of stress overcoming the fanclub. For the sake of the Loyal Order and its beloved Poobah, I am using the JD to promote one honest expression-- "We love you, man." Sheesh like I haven't worn that out yet.

So anywho, to keep it sanctimonious with the purity of Junk, and I apologize if its been done before, what is THEE worst movie of all time? For bow, it had to be Three Amigos. Talk about not meeting expectations.

Chime in Bedgereenos, and keep in mind (using the voice of that little orphan whose name I cant recall but I'm a big fan of) "The sun will come out tomorrow!" (or at least by the weekend. DAY