
2009.09.05 - Origin Junk

So we all hail from somewhere and have probably have some stories of our past.

What does this mean? I don't know. It's a Junk Drawer. Who really cares what the topic is?

So if you want to post a picture of yourself as a kid. Do it! If you want to tell a story from your childhood or something about the city you were born. Super!

If you want to talk about your origins as a Blazer fan or a BEdger.. go nuts go apes! This JD marks the beginning of year 2 for me, so I'm feeling nostaglic.

Or.. in an ENTIRELY different direction.... what are your favorite comic book origin story or what would be your origin story if you were a super-hero? I think origin stories are one of the best parts of comics.

If you just want to babble on and on and try to use 'that's what she said' and 'in your face' in the same comment until someone can say 'oh snap', then just procede as usual.