
Junk Drawer 1/6/09

The bandRestless Heartsang the following lyrics about love but I think it also applies to the Blazers.

Why does it have to be wrong or right?
Why does it have to be one way or the other?
Won’t somebody please, please tell me.
Why does it have to be black or white?
Why do we have to hurt one to love another?
Oh, tell me why?
Why does it have to be?

Here is the wonderfully dated video.

So what's the deal with sports fans? Why does it always have to be one player or the other?

Why did Sergio fans go after Blake? Why did Bayless fans go after Sergio? Why is the onus always on the other guy?

My hate for Miller has nothing to do with Blake. I acknowledge that Miller is a better point guard than Blake, just a poor fit. I do not care who is in place of Miller, as long as it is anyone else besides Miller. Yet whenever I express my displeasure with Miller, people drag Blake into the conversation. The same goes for Bayless/Miller. If you read the post-game thread there is a lot of Miller instead of Bayless banter.

And regarding free throws and the Miller in at the end instead of Bayless, had it been one of Blazersedge's least favorite players to miss that free throw with four seconds left, the loss would be his fault and not the refs or Nate's for miss-communicating the intentional miss of the second free throw. Why can't it be everyone's fault?

Why is it a priority for Bayless to be in the game to develop when Blake is on the floor but not when Miller is on the floor?

I seem to recall a lot of negativity towards Webster in the preseason because of the fear he could take away playing time from Batum, yet no one cared when Rudy took Batum's minutes last year. Why does it gotta be like that?
