


波特兰开拓者队广播员迈克·巴雷特贴了对后卫布兰登·罗伊的详细采访.这里有一些精选语录……-----------------------“我已经注意到很多事情比我说的时候想象的要受到更多的关注。但是,关于想要更多的球,我只是想成为一个促进者。我想我可以为球队创造更多的进攻。它从来就不是用来做坏事的。我认为我可以在球方面帮助这支球队。不是为了多拍。我从来没有说过我想出去拍更多的照片。但是,由于膝盖的问题,我的上场时间非常多。 Me and coach talked about my minutes in July during the summer time. He said you know I really want to keep you at 35-36 minutes this year. When they started to get into the 40 range, I just wanted to remind him about it. My knee is something that we’ve kind of had to deal with for a couple of years here. It’s just trying to keep me healthy. We feel like this is the best way to keep me strong throughout an 82-game season. "I wouldn’t say I’m a different player. With any injury you have to somewhat adjust your game. I’ve been trying to pick my spots out there on the court. Not just for my knees, but for my overall health. The first conversation I ever had with Clyde Drexler, he said, "man, you’re a good player, but you’re attacking that basket too much." He said "work on your pull-up jumper a little bit more and take some of that wear and tear off your body." I just try and remember those things that veterans have said to me in the past, and I’m trying to add those into my game. My thing is I’m always going to try and give 110 percent out there to help this team win. I don’t want to put the concentration on my knee. I’d rather it be on this team, and we’re 6-3 right now." ----------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特