

但是阅读关于开拓者的文章已经变得非常无聊和令人沮丧。在我看来,跟随车队的经历并没有增加多少价值。但这对我来说是一种新的发展。我非常喜欢重建期间的广泛报道。开拓者会很挣扎,我们会了解到一些球员的情况。分析和比较笔记很有趣。他们会超出预期,也会引起有趣的轰动。甚至一些非篮球的东西也很有趣,比如假总经理的东西,选秀分析,对选秀或交易的事后评论,等等(永远无法进入真正的非篮球报道,就像坎扎诺通常报道的那样——人情味十足的故事,邪恶的商人,坏演员,公众形象“丑闻”——但这是一个特例。)现在情况已经改变了很多。 I still enjoy the games as much as before, maybe even more. It's a mature team, head and shoulders better than what we've had in the past decade. Solid execution (generally) on both ends of the floor. Lost a few close ones, but they were really fun games to watch. Been a great year for basketball here in PDX, if a bit of a grind because of the schedule. Team's really got the chance to be something special, which is fun to plug into. The media coverage of it? Not so much. National media doesn't really watch the Blazers (other than maybe John Hollinger), hence any and all opinions about them feel relatively uninformed; local media is bending over backwards to squeeze some drama out of the season beyond X's and O's, and failing; and the blogosphere is generally filled with folks throwing their typical hissy fits about this or that. My god, Roy has chronic knee issues, who knew? (um, anybody who's been following the team.) I think this team is going through that transition that makes watching the games a lot of fun, but reading about them not much fun. This is likely the sign of a solid, mature roster and a media that just doesn't spend much time on X's and O's, which is what's really interesting these days. I know, I know, nobody's twisting my arm, guess I'll just tune out.