


当被问及一连串的伤病是否会让他重新评估自己所做的事情时,波特兰开拓者教练杰伊·詹森的回答是....--------------------------------- " 哦,当然。你在开玩笑吗?每次球员和教练发生什么事,我是说,是的。你在开玩笑吗?我是人类。我们培养这些人,他们就像我们的家人。Schonz会告诉你。我们和这些人在一起,一年中的七个月,几乎每天都在一起。一天24小时,一周7天我们都随叫随到。 For anything that they need. For any kind of medical emergency. A lot of time the trainer is the one who hears about stuff going on at home, whatever. We develop a relationship with them. It's personal. Joel, you live and die with these guys, they're like your own kids. That's exactly the way you feel about it. Every single one of them. "So, yeah, we ask ourselves all the time, when we're sitting, Geoff Clark and me, Dr. Roberts and I, Dr. Ries, we're sitting before a game in the office or flying, is there anything that we coudl be doing that we're not doing? Is there anything that we're missing? "The good thing about Dr. Roberts is, and you're not going to find it in many physicians, it's his ability or desire to look, to get second opinions, and how readily he wants to have the right thing done for his player. He'd rather call it a patient, he views them as a patient, but second opinions don't bother him. "Look, if it helps the player out, whatever is the best thing for Brandon Roy, for Joel, he puts his ego aside, he'll send them to a doctor in Alabama, a doctor in L.A. because maybe there is something that we're not seeing. "In medicine, as I'm finding out more than anything, is not an exact science, it's not in black and white, there's a certain gray area in there." --------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特