


NBA.com大卫·奥尔德里奇今天有几篇关于波特兰开拓者的必读长文,包括关于中锋奥登价值的讨论...--------------------------------尽管开拓者总裁拉里·米勒周四在与波特兰记者的电话会议上表示,开拓者计划在明年夏天给奥登一份880万美元的资格报价,以防止他成为不受限制的自由球员,但联盟中几乎没有人相信这一点。大多数人认为开拓者最终会让奥登试水,没有人会给他880万美元的报价。这是一群高管在周末达成的共识,他们看到波特兰拒绝在11月1日截止日期前给奥登续约。我听说一年要四五百万美元。我听说有一年两次的例外,这一季是208万美元。我听到一位总经理周四发短信说:“三年,1500万美元,膝伤除外。”我听到了一个充满激励的合同,它可能接近中级例外。有几支球队表示,现在对奥登做出判断还为时过早;还有几个人说,考虑到他的身体状况,他们不可能给他报价。 No one came close to $8.8 million. Among the many unresolved issues, of course, is what the new Collective Bargaining Agreement will look like, and what teams will be able to offer players in Oden's category, whether it's restricted or unrestricted. If there's a lockout, no one would be able to negotiate with him or his agent about a new contract -- including Portland. Nor could Oden practice at the Blazers' facility. (Less certain is whether he'd be allowed to rehab there; that's a murkier area that might have to be worked out between the league and the Players' Association with specific language.) -------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特