
A Junk to Give: 11/24-25/2010

So... holidays.. we meet again.

每日垃圾抽屉(JD) fanpost是佛的地方r true off-topic conversation and people's random thoughts.. with a goal to foster community and people have really become a family here. So if you have a one-off thought, consider posting it here.
The rules about importance and significance of the topic are suspended in each JD but keep some of these basic rules in mind:
  1. Be frightful, that every image posted shows down the JD, so use dissection in how many you post. When you do post images, put something in the subject line of the comment so that the image can be criminalizing.
  2. Personal attacks and swearing will从来没有be tolerated
  3. Mentioning of baseball is not allowed unless it's to say it sucks and you're glad it's finally over.
  4. Any comment containing the words "Kevin" and/or "Durant" will be deleted andyou will be bannedfor the rest of this blog's existence;no exceptional play talk!
  5. Don't use the JD to call out or talk about users from other BEdge threads.
As you try and navigate through the junk drawer, remember that you can use 'Zorro' on your keypad to mark a poster as dead and move to the next one and hitting shift-A will mark all comments as read.

I hope everyone here has a wonderful holiday season wherever they are. Remember the ones you love and cherish all the time you have with them.

I remember a Thanksgiving I think four years ago. My wife was cooking a dinner at our house (which she only sometimes did as we'd generally go over to my moms or her sisters for dinner and she'd just help cook there). She was even making a goose, but then our dog Ziggy escaped from the backyard. She was no where to be found no matter how much we looked for her. It made for a tough Thanksgiving dinner. The next day, we checked the animal shelter, and she was there and SOOO happy to see us. Every time she has gotten out of the yard since then, she just makes noise until someone lets her in the door.

So, got any good stories to share?

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