

嘿每个人……快乐的“黑色星期五”。大家的感恩节过得怎么样?我在姐姐家玩得很开心,但我正遭受后遗症的折磨。不是消化不良。这里有一个关于92年的鲜为人知的事实。我对狗过敏。我爱他们…但在他们身边待不了多久我的眼睛和鼻子就会开始流鼻涕。如果未选中....I would be totally incapacitated within about an hour or so. Knowing that my sis has a very friendly Lab ...and that I would be there for several hours, I loaded up on Benedryl. I got through the day without much problem (luckily I am one of those people who don't get drowsy when taking Benedryl). Anyway...we left for home at about 5pm. When we got here, we watched the Grinch (animated version) and A Charlie Brown Christmas (a family tradition on Turkeyday) which brought us up to about 7:30 or so ...anyway between the Benedryl and the Turkey (and associated carb overload) I started to get droopy eyes. I finally gave up and went to bed.....and slept all the way thru til about 6:30 this morning. Anyway I am having a major "dog" hangover this morning ....runny nose and sneezing. It will run it's course pretty soon, I hope....I have chores today....mostly putting up xmas lights. Anyway...I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


乔尔应该会在今晚的比赛中回来....我期待着在他近一年来第一次出庭时给他一个令人敬畏的掌声。欢迎回来Przy ! !