

在看了这支球队15年的比赛之后,我从来没有因为自己是开拓者球迷而感到如此沮丧过。我知道开拓者队是一场艰难的比赛,但我们知道这将如何结束,道路是清晰的(重新开始)。我喜欢看这支球队,即使他们是联盟最差的战绩之一,我也一直支持他们。现在我发现自己处于一个陌生的位置:不在乎。看,不管过去球队的组成我总是知道会发生什么。支持一支优秀的球队是很容易的。支持一支重建中的球队很容易。支持一支输了的球队是很难的。我不再知道我在看什么,更糟糕的是,我认为管理层也不知道。我们都认为这支球队有潜力成为伟大的球队,但在短短几天内,我们就开始质疑这支球队的发展方向。我们的(可以想象的)冠军核心已经减少到希望及格。 Not two months ago I was questioning whether or not this team could see enough growth to challenge for a title. Now I wonder if this team can even make the playoffs, and if its even worth it to fight for that goal. Our core no longer possesses the ability to excel. it can only survive and thats not the path to growth. The good news is that Roy is still our best player. The bad news is that Roy is still our best player clearly playing at half his early activity level. There is no way he stays on the court in any consitent way if he has to carry that load. He also costs us as much as he gives us on defense and team chemistry. As I look around the league, I am hard pressed to give us an advantage over any team in the west in the next decade. That includes the CLIPPERS! What is our future? I like a lot of our players, but I don't see any building block players outside of Dre and Camby and I think we all know why thats not good. How quickly this has all been taken from us. The hope and excitement has turned to despair and frustration. So what is the braintrust thinking? They must see the writing on the wall in terms of moves needing to be made, but are they willing to make the hard decisions that are going to be necessary? Is there a PLAN B?My plan? LA can stay and would be a good piece. Roy is untradable and still could be a valuable piece in a smaller role.Keep oden cause we have a rich owner and cross your fingers. Dante, and Mathews are great glue guys, and there you have a good broth to add some meat to. Batum is our most valuable trade asset cause of his potential so he will probably have to go, and dre and camby are the quality players with the contracts to make a big splash. I would hate to see them go but this team needs to find a future and a couple of thirty something studs don't fit the mold. We need to sacrifice this season for our long term future so the sooner the better. Give babbit, Armon, and patty mills some time with our Broth guys to see if there is anything there, and try to get some young studs like veregio, iggy, Love, Nate Robison, I don't know, but some young players who you can build around, then just wait for the right player to finish the soup to become available. Make no mistake, this team is not going to right the ship. its not just off course its sinking and we need the coast guard badly!