
Roy's injury

The thing that is hurt is Roy's ego. He doesn't like the way the offense is not running through him, and he is not going to commit and give his all. He needs to put aside his selfish desires and play. If it is best for the team to run the offense soley through him than let Nate make that decision. All the talk he had about the realization of his selfishness with Dre and how he needs to consider how he can work with Dre's game to pull the best out of him, was just that TALK. Once the game gets going again he goes right back to the pouter he was early last year. Brandon needs to be a good soldier. If it is not successful that falls on Nate. If I'm wrong and Roy needs microfacture surgery due to lack of cartilage in his knee we're screwed anyway.

My bet is the only serious injury Roy has is his ego. That should take about another month for a famous yearly blow out by the team and then it all gets turned around once again. The sooner Roy buys in the sooner the Blazers will become the team we all dreamed they would be.