
Waiting for the other shoe to drop

First, let me say that I have no idea where that crazy saying came from... Was there a situation that one shoe dropped and everybody knew the other one was coming? Who's shoe was it? Why were they taking their shoes off to begin with? Where did they land...

Ok, enough about that.

The reason for using the phrase is that I find myself checking Bedge/twitter/etc. even more frequently the past day or two just waiting for some kind of "announcement" about Roy. It's crazy, I know (or is it?) but I feel like there's news on the horizon that will eventually make itself public, it's just a matter of time.

The optimistic part of me says that Roy is just tired from the CRAZY schedule and playing so many minutes. He's normally a slow starter anyways, but with so much travel (we forget that back-to-backs when on the road leave almost no time for real rest/sleep) it's bound to take a toll. The real surprise to me is how much energy Camby has with as many minutes he's playing, but it seems to have finally hit him too as he also seemed pretty worn down in the Laker game (though wouldn't anybody against Gasol?).

Personally, I'm going to just keep telling myself that it's just energy that will come with better schedule/rest... while continuing to check back like a maniac waiting for some kind of bad news. How's that for "glass is half full but something drank half of it and might be back for more" approach?

How's your mindset?