
Our Falling Star - The Silver Lining

While at first I was upset after hearing about Broy's comments about his body, I am now positively looking forward to the rest of the season. I think this could be the dawn of a more fluid offense that can allow more players to step up and give the opportunity to some of our young talent to shine and also to mature. Now that Brandon has had this reality check about his limitations, he can focus on opening up his game in other ways and be more comfortable in letting his teammates take the driver's seat. The Blazers have to start having some fun playing with each other again instead of letting expectations linger in their minds.

Brandon Royis still the man, and his offense is still nothing to be taken lightly. We have to take the cards his body has dealt and make the most of it; as long as there's hustle and determination on the court I can't be disappointed. I would love to see him finally reach out to Andre, as I think a sophisticated post game is one of many things he could learn from #24.

PS Joel and Greg are almost ready to bust up the paint. GO BLAZERS!!