
The problems the Blazers face

Look in all honesty, I would be surprised if the Blazers make it to the playoffs, and even if they do they would get swept.

There are too many problems with this team that they cant overcome.

1. Health: it isn't a secret that the Blazers cannot overcome this injury bug, it looks as ifBrandon Roywill have knee problems the rest of his career, however Joel's homecoming will help the team. The Oden news came to the shock for the team, and ever since that news came about, the confidence for the Blazers has fallen dramatically. If Brandon Roy had no injury problems, and if we ever had a Center healthy this team could be good, but that isn't happening anytime soon.

2. Front office moves: Look, anytime a team gets a new GM the personality of the team will change. With Cho, no player is safe, however it is yet to be seen if anything happens in the future withNate McMillan, however he could be shown the door after this year, especially if he gets offers from other teams. Really the team is having a hard time finding a sense of identity sense Cho has taken over, but with time that will change. Also keep in mind that most of the coaches that are with the team are brand new to the Blazers organization as well.

3. The bench: honestly, did people really think that the Blazers could make up for the loss of Outlaw, Blake, Webster, and Bayless, with 3 rookies, one of which is injured now. It is saying something when your bench really consists of Rudy, Cunningham, and Matthews. Especially considering that the starting lineup is already light on the scoring punch when you factor in Camby and Batum. Looks like it might be time next year to bring overVictor Claver, Pettri Kopenen, Joel Freeland, and anyone else overseas we could pick up. But for the time being there is absolutely no way that this bench has much to offer, improvements will be made over the course of the season, but it still will never match up to the bench we had last year.

With the way the Blazers are you have to wonder if Carmelo could be a desperation move the blazers make in order to get better immediately.