


波特兰开拓者队这场比赛结束了上半场昨晚输给华盛顿奇才队的比赛简直太令人着迷了。我今天已经看了15遍了。在比赛还剩5.7秒时,以46-34领先,在中场附近,开拓者最好的抢断射手布兰登·罗伊选择了传球。为什么?谁知道呢。也许他打算介入并接受一个快速的回传,但他真的不会这样做,所以很难说这就是他的计划。开拓者球场上的两名射手——后卫卫斯理·马修斯和帕蒂·米尔斯——分散开来,被动地站在那里,没有努力去拿球。在三分线上,罗伊将球传给了替补中锋肖恩·马克斯(Sean Marks),马克斯几乎不是一个NBA球员,当然也不是一个持球手。可以预见的是,马克斯失去了对球的控制,几乎一路退到半场。罗伊并不是一个能得分的人,但是无论如何他都能呼救。 Even though Roy is both open and right in front of Marks, Marks decides to heave a pass to power forward Dante Cunningham, who is more than 30 feet from the hoop. Cunningham -- a second year forward who has never made a three-pointer in his NBA career and made just one three-pointer total in his four years at Villanova -- receives the pass but isn't particularly open. With the clock running out, he is forced to shot put an effort in the general direction of the basket, which airballs by a country mile. "Well, that didn't go as planned," deadpans broadcaster迈克·巴雷特他说得再好不过了。总而言之:中学水平的执行力和意识。——本·格里佛| |推特