

我们经历了一个艰难的赛季。我看过它,但我绝对没有玩过它。无论结果如何,我必须说,这是我作为篮球迷的第一个赛季,我一点也不失望。像霍华德和费尔南德斯这样的球员吸引了我的眼球,但他们和球队的其他球员赢得了我的心。我无法形容我所经历的苦难和挫折。但无论如何,他们总会回来。我们的孩子们做得很好,打得很好,就像一支NBA球队应该做的那样。也许不总是最好的,但他们是拳击手。我们就是这样走到今天的。没有人能说他们不是应得的。 Anyone that says that is out of their minds. Seriously. And I would lose respect for that person as a basketball fan. I endure the taunting from fans of other teams. And that’s ok. Really, it is. It’s so easy to get behind the number one seed. I love our boys because they aren’t the team on top. They are a great team with a lot of potential to dominate. I’m looking forward to seeing the team develop and become the dominating force. I know they can do it. It’s not just about skills; it’s about teamwork, drive, and trust. They have it. Not only did they make the playoffs, but they earned the sixth seed. They knew where they wanted to be in the playoffs AND THEY TOOK IT. They own that spot. Sure, it isn’t the top four seeds, but it’s not shabby by any standards. Especially since the team isn’t as healthy as it could be. Could be, should be, at this point it doesn’t matter. What matters is that everyone knows what we are about, and I’m proud to have been a fan for it. Fan really isn’t the word anymore. It’s a love of the game and a love for our boys.

说了这么多,我知道今晚开始我们还有一系列的比赛,这将再次考验他们。不止一次,而是多次。我们没有犯错的余地。我的意思是没有。我们必须时刻保持最佳状态。好吧,我知道我在前一段中崇拜他们。让我们面对现实吧:他们不可能在每场比赛中都投入150%的精力。我希望他们就是我所塑造的神。如果我们不仅能创造我们的机会,而且能杀出杀出太阳搞砸了,我想这才是我们真正能让太阳抓狂的地方。我知道所有的预测和分析都预示着厄运和悲观。我不得不暂时停止阅读,回想一下我们的孩子们是谁,他们做了什么。我知道我又对我们的球员提出了很多要求,但当一切都说到做到的时候,我很乐意成为太阳队的冠军。我这么问只是因为我真的相信我们能做到。我们只需要利用每一个可以利用的优势,取得领先。如果我们这样做,我们会勉强过关吗?可能。但我还是买了。我不需要他们虔诚的努力,但只要付出巨大的努力就能打败菲尼克斯。 No matter the outcome, Phoenix is gonna have to work hard for their wins from a team that isn’t completely healthy. That in itself is something to be proud of. Just think of what we could have done healthy. That’s my reason for pride in our boys. We aren’t healthy, but anyone will still have to fight us for what they want.





