
Rodney Dangerfield Said It Best...

After watching the brilliant victory our beloved Blazers put on for us on national television, I could not help but walk away thinking that, for lack of a better phrase, we were fairly screwed over. Dave beat me to the whole TNT broadcast being awful, but there were other things that really annoyed me as a Blazers fan. Granted, I am a homer, and if my opinions are a little histrionic, by all means, critique away. However, all I ask for Rip City is for some respect.

So first, during the game, I played "let's see how many times Doug Collins will mention Roy's injury." I counted 6, but because I missed the first 4 minutes of the game due to TNT's commercials, that number could be greater. On a side note, I love when the PA guy is the one who has to start the "DEFENSE" chant. Also, when the game is a 4 point game, it's funny to me when half the stadium has emptied. You're not going to find that at the Rose Garden.

Now, let's skip to the post game ads and comments. First, right after the game ended, they showed some long commercial with Justin Timberlake and Ray Charles himself, Jamie Foxx. After 4 minutes of them yapping about topics that merely lessened my IQ, they showed clips of all the teams in the playoffs, but WAIT, when I say ALL the playoff teams, I mean every team except the Blazers. Now, I could have missed a .00001 second clip of the Blazers, but when every single other team is shown and especially when it's right after a Blazer's game, let alone, a victory, then I don't get it. Yes, our market is not as vast as the湖人队' market, but we are at least at the same level as Milwaukie's, and they were shown some love.

Next, let's move to the post game comments. Aside from Barkley's "Phoenix is my team; I love them; No one cares about the Blazers" words, most of the comments seemed on par with "Why did theSuns失去”而不是“为什么开拓者赢了。”好吧,这makes sense since the Suns were heavily favored (almost 80% to 20%) in ESPN's pregame odds, but once again, no love for Rip City. Later, we get to see Nate doing a post game interview. It's fairly late now, and the only people probably watching are those in Pacific Time and in Hawaii, so when they cut to Nate for 2 minutes, cut him off mid sentence to show highlights from the game that I literally just watched, and dominate them with Suns' baskets, then am I supposed to think that everyone watching is a Sun's fan?

This was the only game of the first round where there was an upset and where the score stayed close throughout. and yet, it's going to get less recognition than Mundson's ponytail. After what this team has been through this year, and the little chance we have of even advancing past this first round, I guess I'm just bitter. Nevertheless, Rodney Dangerfield said it best...No Respect.