
Does re-signing Marcus mean Juwan is shown the door?

LONG time reader, just signed up to make this post. My girlfriend's birthday is next month and she LOVES Juwan. Only Blazer she gets excited about, she's always asking "Are they gonna put Juwan in???". So where I'm heading with this, I want to get her a Howard jersey for her birthday, but I'm worried he might not be around next season. I think she would still rock the jersey and be stoked on it, but it makes it a less appealing choice for a gift... What does everyone think? PS, Juwan or not, I love the Camby signing. He has been HUGE for us, and his mentoring of LMA will pay big dividends in the years to come. Love the site too, I dunno why it took me this long to register. Oh well.

PPS, I didn't know Juwan Howard had an acting career...Juwan and Me