开拓者总统拉里-米勒被录取为团队播音员迈克·巴雷特和迈克大米在开拓者场边(预览在这里),他发现凯文·普理查德被解雇的消息是在选秀之夜与开拓者训练中心外的一名保安闲聊时被公开的。--------------------------------- " 我实践,我12:30或1点钟去那儿。(开拓者总经理)凯文(普里查德)把我拉到一边说,‘嘿,(开拓者老板)保罗(艾伦)和我谈过了,我们差不多同意分道扬镳。我还想继续写草稿,我们会把草稿读完,然后我们明天坐下来讨论一下流程。’”“后来,保罗把我拉到一边,说了同样的话。比如,‘嘿,我来了。凯文找到了我,事情似乎就像现在这样,情况不太好,让我们谈谈如何解决这个问题。”我猜他们坐下来,两个人聊了聊。谈话结束后我们达成了协议。看来是时候分道扬镳了。但是凯文想继续参加选秀。 Paul wanted Kevin to continue to do the draft. So they agreed that they would do the draft and on Friday he and I would sit down and figure out the next steps. "So that's what I was told. That's what I was thinking. We're still waiting for the draft to start... so I walk outside to get some fresh air. I walk outside and I see one of the security guys out there and we're kind of shooting the breeze, talking about the nice weather, and he says, "I just heard on Courtside that Kevin Pritchard [got fired]..." "And then I look at my phone and it starts to blow up." --------------------------------- That is the absolute definition of dysfunction. PR people talk about controlling the story. The technique demonstrated above is what's known as being eaten alive by the story like a pack of rabid sharks. It's astounding that Miller believes this narrative should be made public. -- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特