奥迪诺里斯在这个名单上是一只奇怪的鸭子(不是俄勒冈州的校友)。他没有广阔的NBA职业生涯可供借鉴。他只在联盟呆了三年,而且都是在开拓者队。诺里斯身高6英尺9英寸,体重超过230磅,在第二轮被选中,他抢到了银行篮板,身上出现了瘀伤。他的绰号是“原子狗”,因为他的凶猛,他在油漆店,并试图确保没有人感到舒适。他的职业生涯场均出场时间不到14分钟。他在这几分钟内得到4.4分和3.1个篮板,这两项数据都不惊人。如果他在进攻端触到球,那要么是篮板,要么是意外。他的进攻在他的新秀赛季是不存在的。随着自信的增强,他看起来更流畅了一些,但任何超过3英尺的射门都会引起观众和教练的惊讶。 His career would have been an obscure footnote in Blazer history were it not for the 1984-85 first round playoff series versus the Dallas Mavericks. With a brief respite in 1983, Portland fans had endured a playoff-advancement drought since the championship season. They sat through two nail-bitingly-intense games at the start of this series, a two-overtime loss and an overtime victory in Dallas. With the series tied 1-1 Portland had won the third game handily but the Blazers needed Game 4 at home to clinch, else they would return to Dallas for the deciding contest. As was typical of the series this game went down to the wire, tied at 113 with Portland in possession and the clock dwindling to nothing. Whatever play Coach Jack Ramsay called in his final timeout, Dallas covered it magnificently. The only shred of hope the Blazers could find was Norris on the baseline from 12 feet away, easily four times his effective range. Having no choice, the Blazers tossed him the ball. He caught it, shot it, and...Ka-SWISH. Portland pulls out the series and heads to the second round while fans go crazy and teammates shake their heads with incredulous smiles on their faces. The Blazers would fall to the L*kers in the next round and Norris would head to Europe to finish his professional career, but that impeccably-timed moment etched his name in franchise lore forever.
他是大家最喜欢的州长候选人克里斯•达德利.达德利在1993年加入开拓者队之前,曾在克利夫兰和新泽西效力了6年。他是一个6英尺11英寸的防守专家,当他在别人的球队时,你经常会忽视他,但当他在你的球队时,你会喜欢他。说得好听点,他的过错是腐败的。他的“连沙克都会笑”的罚球表现和他职业生涯早期低于43%的投篮命中率(记住,我们谈论的是一个中心这里)。现在的情况是,他真的只会投那些不能投丢的球。他找到了一种方法,展现了他标志性的坚持到底的天性。但这位耶鲁大学的毕业生对比赛很有头脑(波特兰有这么多的热门球员可以这样形容),防守很好,而且有在短时间内抢到大量篮板的技巧。在交易走了凯文·达克沃斯,换来了哈维·格兰特和罗德·斯特里克兰之后,开拓者认为一个防守专家完全符合中锋的要求。他们根本负担不起要求达德利加入他们已经堆积(和昂贵)的阵容的价格,所以他们以一份温和的合同签下了他,只有第一年的合同是有保证的。在交易中获得了鸟权后,当他在第一个赛季退出时,他们可以自由地支付更多的钱。NBA立即堵住了这个漏洞,但开拓者抓住了他们的人。在伤病毁了他在波特兰的第一个赛季后,达德利在接下来的几年里有了很好的篮板。他的第四个赛季并没有那么出色。 With the Blazers tiring of playing 4-on-5 on offense no matter what the defensive benefits, they traded Dudley to the Knicks in 1997 for picks that later became Valparaiso's Bryce Drew (himself traded immediately in the deal that brought Damon Stoudamire to Portland) and Taurean Green. Dudley's unique defensive contributions and his integrity fighting diabetes and opposing drivers alike combined to make him an all-time Portland favorite.