
Rich Cho on Courtside - Oden, Roster, Williams, and Paul Allen


Blazer GM Rich Cho was on Courtside tonight. I picked up 4 things from the show. 1. Cho said Greg Oden would be cleared for 2-on-2 and 3-on-3 in a couple of weeks. When asked when Greg would be cleared for 5-on-5 he said he would wait to see how Greg did playing 3-on-3 before making that determination. 2. When asked if there would be further roster changes before the season starts, Cho said he was working on a couple of things to make the team better. I didn't take that to mean anything was imminent or even likely. He's just working on it. 3. Elliot Williams was finally cleared to play 5-on-5 today for the first time since he was drafted by the Blazers. The Mike's drooled over his 48" vertical. 4.The most important thing.Paul Allen got a clean bill of health last week from his doctors and looked very good during an interview with Mike Barrett.