

今天早些时候我们注意到开拓者后卫鲁迪·费尔南德斯在博客上表示“要回去工作了”。这是波特兰开拓者队的球探主管迈克·伯恩对鲁迪·费尔南德斯情况的看法在开拓者场边接受采访时迈克·巴雷特迈克大米而且布莱恩·惠勒.-------------------------“如果我们没有做任何(贸易方面的)事情,我想我们都希望鲁迪回到营地。我们希望他能做到。”“我认为鲁迪(在世锦赛上)实际上打得很好。他有一些表现,我认为人们对他期望很高。比如,‘天哪,他一晚上不可能得到20分。’但如果你看看他在首轮的数据,你会发现他在23.5分钟的时间里场均得到11.5分和8个篮板。我们对鲁迪期望很高。”“但(西班牙)有点分散(比赛时间)。西班牙是一支很棒的球队,有很多NBA球员。 They really cut down on his minutes like they were with a lot of guys. In the 2 games I saw over there, Rudy played really well in the second half of both games. It was unfortunate that the last game that I saw he had 15 points in the second half and they lose at the buzzer [to Serbia]. But then he turned around and in the two consolation games he goes for 17 in one and didn't miss a shot and then he had 33 against Argentina in a loss, and he was 11 for 13. Those last two games he went 18 for 20 from the field and really, really played well in the last two." "We still think very highly of Rudy and think he's a terrific player. We're going to look at some options, obviously we're still looking at those, and at the end of the day if he's here, he's here. Actually, we hope he is." -------------------------点击此处下载音频.——本·格列佛| |推特