
Everybody and Ron Artest Loves Pluto


From Sign On San Diego's Mark Zeigler via Ball Don't Lie: "It is a classic Artest attribute, squeezing drops of levity from otherwise serious topics. Twisting the mundane into the bizarre. Quickly leaving Earth and traveling deep into the solar system. Moments earlier, he was asked about the motivation for a Lakers repeat championship. "We're hungry," Artest said. "I know I am. And you know Kobe is. Kobe's after something, I don't even know what it is. I think he's after stardom on Pluto or something." Artest paused, cracked a wry smile, and made a hard left at the tangent. "Pluto is not even a planet any more, which I'm very disturbed about," he continued. "When I grew up, Pluto was a planet. And now I'm 25 and I turn around and Pluto's no longer a planet. I gotta find that guy (who changed its planetary classification) and elbow him in the nose. "I love Pluto. Everybody loves Pluto." " Lol.