


路易斯·罗辛(Louis Roxin)在RealGM上发表了一篇有趣的文章:“他的名声也许不像威廉·韦斯利(William Wesley)那么传奇,但这并没有阻止雅虎的Adrian Wojnarowski。从他的帽子在NBA的影响力和影响力的戒指。笔比剑更有力,当沃伊纳罗夫斯基怀恨在心时,新闻正直就没有机会了。随着甜瓜的夏末训练营的开始,沃纳罗夫斯基正在加班,看看他是否能帮助甜瓜安东尼接受在新泽西的平庸和无关紧要的放逐。Wojnarowski推…他像facebook……他甚至偶尔会在Yahoo.com上写一篇文章……对抗NBA超级明星、他们的超级经纪人以及被称为麦迪逊广场花园的邪恶帝国的巨大坏影响. ...沃伊纳罗夫斯基从来没有真正提供过一个实质性的理由来证明他对尼克斯队的愤怒。这一切似乎都是基于他自己特有的厌恶,他反复和过度地暴露他的读者。当尼克斯队与勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)会面时,沃纳罗夫斯基贬低了球队的管理层成员,对把一生都奉献给篮球运动的唐尼·沃尔什(Donnie Walsh)进行了最廉价的恶意攻击。 Wojnarowski wrote that Walsh, who was using a wheelchair at the time, had not projected "an image of vibrancy" to LeBron. (The offensive paragraph was later removed from his story without so much as an acknowledgment of the retraction, let alone an apology.) In the end, it’s hard to tell whether Wojnarowski is a would-be power broker, frustrated in his current occupation, or just a fan. One gets the sense that he might go to pieces if heaven forbid Melo says nyet to New Jersey. Why? Because then the next stop is Melo to the Knicks. Sharpen Wojnarowski's quill."