

The Blazers' system has looked spectacular at times since the departure of the Brandon Roy ISO. But it has sputtered mightily at times too, mostly at key junctures when the Blazers need a basket (read: crunch time). The problem is quite clear. We don't have one single player who is an actual 3 point shooter. We need at least ONE guy that can be counted on to put the ball in the hoop when he gets a wide open look. We have none right now. Every time one of our players gets a wide open look from three, I cringe.

I have actually been very impressed by Nate's coaching as of late. We are still winning games even with a bottom five shooting percentage and league worst 3 pt percentage. This tells me that Nate is "doing some things". And I see Nate's system often getting our guys open looks, we just don't "hit shots".

There is a reason that Nate has been leaving Patty Mills in late in games in favor ofAndre Miller. Patty is the closest thing to a shooter that we have right now. We need some real shooters on the floor late in games to give Lamarcus Aldridge room to go to work. The reason we haven't been doing well in crunch time, isn't that Lamarcus isn't clutch. The problem is that we have noone that can hit open threes, and this allows the opposition to rape Aldridge and shut down the passing that works so well the first 36 minutes of the game.

We have the resources to get some players that we can use to build around Aldridge (and hopefully oden)... We should do it. Even if Roy comes back strong I hope we continue to play inside-out with Aldridge as the #1 option. If we can just hit HALF of our wide open 3's, I can't help but think we would be a top 5 team right now.

All the best teams have players that hit their open shots. Even a player likeJared Dudleyalways makes me cringe, because you just know he's going to hit a three when he's left open.

What players make you cringe when our defenders fail to get out on them from the three point line?