所以,开拓者的膝盖又受伤了。这就是……6现在?(Oden/Przybilla/Camby/Williams/Roy/Pendergraph)这让我相信改变是必要的。在我开始之前,让我先说,我完全不是在指责医务人员的过错。我认为这更有可能是迄今为止关于体育的最糟糕的宇宙笑话,但话虽如此……在曲棍球比赛中,当一个球队输掉比赛,特别是当对手通过快速得分获得动力时,教练通常会拉下守门员,让他替补上场。大多数时候,进球并不是守门员的错,而是由于糟糕的弹跳,无法阻止的偏转,或者球队其他队员防守不力……但教练还是会拉他。这不是针对个人,这是商业决定。你看,有时候阻止一个团队精神崩溃的唯一方法就是给他们希望和一个新的开始。当替补队员在冰上滑冰时(我曾经打过大学曲棍球,所以我的经验有限),你脑海中会有这样的想法:“好了,现在我们可以把不幸抛在脑后,继续我们的比赛了。” You all of the sudden feel as though no comeback is impossible nor even improbable (until they score on the back-up...then you're in trouble). I'm now suggesting that Blazer management needs to pull a similar move. I think they should consider letting the entire medical staff go (or at the very least, those in charge). Not because this is their fault, but because the team, and the fanbase, need to feel as though things are in control and in hand. No need to panic, the necessary steps are being taken. This is often achieved for teams with terrible records by firing the coach...same idea. Though in our case, a .500 record is bloody unbelievable so I don't think letting Nate go helps us. Just a thought, but I'm curious to know what you all think. Do you think the players are nervous or unhappy with the training staff? And if so, does/could this affect their play?