


自70年代以来,电影制作的基本结构几乎没有改变。新技术改变了你拍摄东西的方式,但总的来说,“三幕”结构几十年来一直保持不变。如果你认为一部电影不好,你通常会把它归咎于演员吗?导演?为了特效?当然不是。从来都不是“只有一件事”,对吧?问题是,大多数美国人甚至没有意识到他们为什么讨厌某一部电影。找个时间试试。当有人告诉你他们不喜欢一部电影时,问问他们为什么。 Don't let the person off the hook easy either. Make them explain in detail why they thought it was bad. You will find that, if you ask these probing questions, a discussion of form arises. Form is something you can study over time. If you're a movie critic, who watches dozens of movies a WEEK, it just gets easier and easier to point out flaws in the structure itself.

体育记者也没有什么不同。我经常听到人们在这个网站上批评比尔·西蒙斯的观点。我经常听到"谁在乎他怎么想"但是体育记者也要学习形式。篮球就像电影一样,是有结构的。你可以从球队的管理层一直到球员本身来分析一支球队。就像优秀的影评人一样,像Simmons这样的人已经看过成千上万款游戏。比我们大多数人一辈子看到的都要多。我们很容易把他甩在一边,说他说的一切都是纯粹主观的,但事实并非如此。在大多数情况下,他的写作都是基于有经验的结构分析。 It just so happens that he tries to be entertaining about it at the same time. When I hear fans say they "don't care about him", I think most of those folks don't relate to his humor. It's as simple as that. His facts and even asssertions are mostly dead on.


让我感到困扰的是,很多粉丝都不给作者一个合理的解释。我们可以围坐在一张桌子旁,批评西蒙斯的主张,但这些主张都是有根据的。他比98%访问这个网站的人都更了解篮球。你可以讨厌他那敏锐的幽默感。我知道很多粉丝对此并不感兴趣。但说他是“白痴”(就像我以前听过的那样)是相当愚蠢的。西蒙斯绝不是白痴。如果你不同意某件事,请解释原因。不要只是说“谁在乎”,然后继续前进。放某人鸽子是懒惰的表现。 All it says is that his assertions don't give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Furthermore, he writes to attract readers. If he was so bad at it, why would he be one of the biggest, most popular sports writers in the entire country? The only thing he lacks is tact. Oregonians pride themselves on being tactful people. So you think he's rude. That's fine. But his assertions remain valid whether you feel good about them or not.

