

作为球迷,我们有时都会有点忘乎所以。我知道我当然知道。我们都认为自己知道什么对这个队或那个队最好。每个人都成了通用汽车的后座,每个人都成了交易机器的垃圾/大师。包括我,呵呵。嗯,我开始想,离交易截止日期还有不到两个月的时间,有一个家伙真的开始感到压力了。他的名字叫Rich Cho。我可不想处在他的位置,我一点也不羡慕他,而且他拿的那些钱(几乎,呵呵)都不值得。这是一个即使在黑暗中也能在聚光灯下的人。这个家伙的名字在他从未见过的人嘴里流传。 Here is a guy who knows for a fact any decision he makes could put him down in the history books as a shabby or great GM. Now that is some pressure. (Of course its not like he is performing an open heart surgery or seperating siamese twins--that would be some real pressure.) But he does hold this teams destiny in his hands. Sort of. He has to deal with a ridiculously rich, eccentric owner, and a crazy cutthroat Vulcan Cult just to begin with. Any move he makes could be the end of Cho, he knows it and they know it. Thats probably why nothing has happened yet. Because in the chaotic world of Cho, everyone knows better than you do and they all want to brownnose up the boss. Well Cho, its rare that oppotunities like this come a mans way. You hold the key, and the lock needs to be opened. Hopefully you have all the keys, there could be some more locks ahead.


但我支持你,祝你一切顺利。我希望你的钥匙圈和我高中时看门人的钥匙圈一样——每个锁都有一把钥匙——周,是时候打开这把锁了!祝你好运! !