



首先让我们看一下我们两个守卫的优势和弱点。让我们从米勒开始。他的优势是显而易见的。他的规模和发布其他点卫兵的能力是一个巨大的加法。针对较小的点卫兵,米勒可以将它们带到帖子并过度下来。此外,米勒与中档或较近的跳投非常可靠。在我看来,最重要的是他的法院愿景。他建立的容易篮子的数量是现象。他和Camby都给Aldridge都会有很多轻松的镜头进入(尽管这已经花费了一定程度,但每个团队现在都在寻找它)。现在为弱点。 The first is that Miller brings a slow tempo to the game. This really hurts our players who thrive in the open court, as opposed to the half court. Though to be fair, Miller appears to be more willing to push the pace over the last couple of weeks (at least, in my opinion). Another weakness is Miller's inability to take long range shots, which means that he finds it difficult to space the floor, since defenders will drop right off him, and often crowd the paint. An important point here, and I don't consider this a stregth or weakness, is that Miller is a point guard that needs a lot of the ball to be effective, which is why Roy made it so clear that he did not enjoy playing with him.

现在工厂。他最大的弱点是他的身材。他对此无能为力,说出来似乎也不公平,但事实是米尔斯体型的不足是一个明显的弱点,主要是在防守上。到目前为止,他在弥补这一缺陷方面做得很好,但是对于像米勒这样的控球后卫,举例来说,他每场比赛都能很好地被带到低位,而开拓者将被迫夹住米尔斯的对手,或者基本上只是丢篮。他的身材也意味着米尔斯很难突破内线并制造犯规,因为防守者可以直接将手臂举到空中,让米尔斯低命中率的彩虹球越过他们。米尔斯的其他问题与他的体型无关,主要与缺乏经验有关。例如,他并没有像他应该的那样经常提供空中接力。他在阿尔德里奇上篮的时候击中了他,但不是在他飞过去的时候击中了他的对手。不过我并不担心这类事情,因为他进步很快,有米勒做他的导师。米尔斯比赛的一大优势就是他的远射。 The percentages don't actually show what a good shot Mills is. This is for two reasons. One, early on in his career, when he was just seeing garbage minutes, he was a forcing a lot of shots that weren't there, and those misses continue to anchor his FG percentages. The second reason is that on botched plays when the shot clock is almost up, Mills is quite often the option to lob up the desperation shot. Normaly these shots are well defended, and generally they don't fall. And the second advantage of Mills is that he is able to space the floor, because he is regarded as a threat from long-range, which gives everybody else more room to work. Mills also loves to push the pace, which helps a few of the guys get good looks on the open court. Once Mils learns to run the fast break more effectively, this will be even more of an advantage. But again here, neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, Mills needs a lot of the ball to be effective.


