


伟大的罗伯·马奥尼看一下波特兰开拓者队的比赛一个拥有过剩组件的GM如何在不牺牲产生能量的情况下修复团队的流程?这很难说,我不是电工。但我不相信问题在于缺乏明星效应。阿尔德里奇的效率足以成为球队的主要进攻武器。他就是那么优秀,我们不要忘记,达拉斯小牛队最近结束了他们的示范运动,以证明一星模式在正确的环境下是有效的。开拓者会从雷蒙德·费尔顿、尼古拉斯·巴图姆或韦斯利·马修斯变成一个更有效率的球员中受益吗?肯定。但是我仍然不相信缺少真正的替补会导致开拓者的失败。他们可以通过更多的累积方法赢得比赛,但似乎没有将整体生产和人才正确地结合起来。 The offensive and defensive potential are there, but the optimal result, for whatever reason, isn’t. The answers are out there for the Blazers and their GM-to-be, but here’s a hope that the rush to find those answers takes a back seat to an enduring patience. Portland only gets one shot at this. They only have so many pieces that can be dealt and so much cap space to work with. Plus, with a newly implemented CBA, they’ll have entirely new rules and stipulations to consider. It may seem like there’s a swiftly ticking clock, but Aldridge, Wallace, Felton, Matthews, Batum, and even Roy have plenty of productive years ahead of them. There’s a window here, but also a problem worthy of careful analysis and creative thinking. There’s no rush. ------------------------------- -- Ben Golliver | |推特