
14 Mayors Write Letter Urging NBA Deal; Sam Adams Not Among Them

Eric reportsthat a group of 14 mayors whose cities have NBA franchises wrote a joint letter addressed to NBA commissioner David Stern and National Basketball Players Association executive director Billy Hunter urging a labor deal so that the 2011-2012 season could be saved.这是一个PDFof the letter. An excerpt follows. --------------------------------- We respectfully ask that you consider the consequences to our cities should the lockout continue. We ask that you work quickly to find a way to compromise so that we might salvage the upcoming NBA season. We are proud to call our cities home to NBA franchises. As basketball fans, we know winning and losing is part of the game. Rest assured; everyone loses if there is no season. --------------------------------- Former NBA All-Stars Kevin Johnson and Dave Bing, mayors of Sacramento and Detroit, respectively, were among the group that penned the letter. Portland mayor Sam Adams was not among the undersigned. -- Ben Golliver | |Twitter