



一个玫瑰花园迎宾员畅所欲言关于NBA停摆及其经济影响,以及强加给他的言论禁令。--------------------------------所以我坐在这里准备揭露NBA停摆如何影响普通人,而不仅仅是百万富翁篮球运动员和亿万富翁老板。虽然老板们拒绝公开他们的账簿,说明这些巨大损失的来源,但我非常愿意公开我的账簿,说明他们的抱怨是多么陈词滥调。富人和富人争吵是一件很糟糕的事情,尤其是在这么多生意、这么多人的就业和这项运动的整体形象受到威胁的情况下。准备好最终了解竞技场工人不为人知的故事. ...正如你从表格中看到的,我赚的钱不多。但我赚的大部分钱都直接来自于工作开拓者,呃,NBA认可的比赛。去年我56.49%的收入是与篮球相关的,这说明我(和我的同事们)是多么依赖NBA比赛的如期进行。我决定申请玫瑰花园的主要原因是有机会在开拓者的比赛中工作。在我工作的前半年结束时,我有幸成为他们“熟悉面孔计划”的一员,我在所有41场常规赛中都在这个项目中工作。 I am able to request that same position right after the NBA schedules are released in August, and the only way I am in jeopardy of losing that position (as well as losing the ability to be scheduled for all 41 regular season games) is if I miss more than 3 regular games. The NBA, in my eyes, is job security to those working at the Rose Garden. Without that guarantee of being able to work those game shifts, I would be (and currently am) at the mercy of being scheduled (in competition with a few hundred other ushers) for the leftover events. No NBA games equals an inconsistent amount of shifts, which leads to inconsistent pay, which leads to increased difficulty in making ends meet. --------------------------------埃德:经过编辑的描述,被挤到了头版