
NBA, NBPA "No Comment" After Sunday Meeting, To Meet Monday


Roughly 48 hours afterreports surfacedthat the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association would not meet in advance of Monday's deadline to save the start of the 2011-2012 regular season, representatives from both sides met for more than five hours at a New York City hotel on Sunday night.Ken BergerofCBSSports.comreportsthat NBA commissioner David Stern offered no comment following the talks, which ended shortly before midnight local time. ------------------------ Stern: "We don't have any comment at all, other than we are breaking for the night and reconvening tomorrow afternoon." Stern said the no-comment was by mutual agreement with the players. ------------------------Howard BeckofThe New York Timesreportsthat NBPA president Derek Fisher would not say that there had been definitive progress. ------------------------ Fisher says not necessarily any closer to deal now than when night began, but back at it tomorrow. ------------------------Chris MannixofSI.comreportsthat the top issue -- the revenue split between the owners and the players -- was not discussed. ------------------------ There was NO discussion of split of the BRI at Sunday night's meeting, according to a source briefed on the talks. System [issues] only. ------------------------ Before the meeting ended,Adrian WojnarowskiofYahoo! Sportsreported.... ------------------------ A league source briefed on labor meeting within past two hours tells Y!: "No progress yet." ------------------------ Wojnarowskialso reportedthat Fisher said that a NBPA meeting that was previously scheduled for Monday in Los Angeles "will be rescheduled" so that talks between the union and the NBA can resume at 2 p.m. Eastern in New York City. Monday waspreviously setby Stern as the deadline for the cancellation of the first two weeks of the regular season (Nov. 1-14). -- Ben Golliver | |Twitter