
Can the Blazers make a bid on Billups?

I know Billups is doing his little baby fit right now, probably trying to get teams not to bid on him so he has complete control of his situation as a UFA. But my question is can the Blazers make an offer at all on Billups? My understanding is probably not because only teams with Cap Space can do that, but I haven't heard the definitive rules on that yet. If so, maybe Portland is a desirable option for him? Would we need to for sure Amnesty Roy and not explore Medical Retirement options? Can we contact the player first to see if he thinks it would work or not? What does this do to either our MLE or mini-MLE?

Personally I love Billups on our team, with Feton playing 1 and a little bit of 2 back up time, giving him almost starter minutes. This lets us ease Nolan and Elliot into the line ups, so that we aren't so dependent on them right out of the gates. Not to mention Billups is still one of the best PGs in the league and can teach our young guard rotation a lot. Did him and Marcus play at all at the same time in Denver?

I have a lot of questions.....