
CP3 to Portland

Now that theLakersdeal is essentially dead and with the impending retirement ofBrandon Roy(and his 16.3mil 2012 salary), CP3 to Portland makes perfect sense. Hopefully we would get a verbal commitment from Paul to re-sign at seasons end. But Paul does have a Player Option next season for 17.8 mil, which he may say he wants to pick up and see how the direction of this team is going.

Portland would tradeRaymond Felton($7.5 mil),Marcus Camby(9.3 mil), andNicolas Batum(2.1 mil) plus draft picks for CP3 (16.3 mil).

There is no guarantee CP3 would stay. We would essentially be gambling. But at this point, what not to gamble? Our team is nowhere near the projection we had of them three seasons ago.

This is why I think we signedKurt Thomasfor two years, because we are going to be trading Camby and his expiring contract.

I could be wrong, but crazier things have happened. But the idea of Paul, Matthews, Wallace, Aldridge, and Thomas? Makes me drool. We still have great upcoming young talent. We could focus on a future Center next year, if Oden doesn't pan out, as in my dashed hopes, probably won't pan out.