

Good Evening Blazers Edge Readers:


But after taking some time to reflect, I have found that at minimum, there are a couple of things we can be really happy about:


我们迷失了B-Roy,Greg为可能是另一个赛季,而Lamonster必须有心脏手术(批准它是小的,但它与牙齿拉出不同)。你知道我说的是什么?好吧让我们走开,我和我的孩子不必记住布兰登,即我记得阿里和霍利菲尔德,老,殴打,无法竞争。有些有关您的荣誉完整的事情。此外,我们是燃烧器,当我一直不走我们的方式时相信 (76人湖人队活塞那湖人队那公牛队刺激那湖人队) so I for one feel very comfortable starting off the season knowing what we are up against.


I have been hearing a lot of talk about blowing up our team back to the dark ages as if that is some kind of strategy but I am not aware of anytime that an Indianapolis style , tank the season and sacrifice our coach for the gamble known as a draft pick has ever paid off (okay, I remember when San Antonio Kept out the Admiral when he was healthy and lost on purpose and got Duncan but that is the exception) plain and simple, it takes a loser to lose on purpose, competitors fight to the end like Jack Bauer regardless of the odds (sorta like the American Revolution).


Raymond Felton:致力于职业生涯,明确的东部所有明星没有政治,这就是让他出去的,合同年份,良好的防守,好3PT射击游戏。在我谦卑的意见中升级米勒。

W. Matthews: Best FA signing in the League last year, good defender, Great shooter when open, good possibility he could improve this year now that his role is clearly defined.

N. Batum: Although I am not one of the fans that Compare him to one of the 50 greatest players in history (Pippen) I am very impressed with his ability to defend positions 1-4 when needed and his willingness to adjust to whatever role he is needed in, From what I have been reading he has worked on his game this summer and even though he was playing against Euroscrubs which is probably like playing against D2 college players over here, Learning how to dominate people and developing assertiveness can only compliment his all around game.

G. Wallace:前全明星,所有NBA防御者,可以守卫2-4,自信的执法者喜欢态度。我希望他今年返回全明星地位,现在他有一个明确界定的角色,并且像Kaptain Kurt这样真正的鸡肉只是为了提高华莱士的自信。

LaMonster: 2nd best 4 in the conference behind Dirk, looking to take over that number 1 spot this year, if not next, it is only a matter of time. Can you believe Toronto took Bargnani over LaMonster? that is insane.

Kaptain Kurt: True Old school enforcer, one of 2 men on the Team who played against coach, The Gold Standard in Ruggedness, Durability, and accountability. He just keeps on truckin, you know every night you are getting 100% with good position defense, A+ defensive communication and leadership and proud enforcer of the Maurice Lucas No Layup Rule. This guy makes his 6fouls count every night, I look for him to be one of the League leaders in Flagrant fouls this year And between him and Crash, they will provide a level of interior intimidation we have not seen around here in a while.




