
El Junko de 12-15-11

I need some new music suggestions. Preferably stuff that I haven't ever heard or ever will hear on the radio. I'm open to all forms of music, seriously everything. So what do you like? I need new stuff. I'm currently (like right this very second) listening to "Ladies of the Night" (seems like it should be called Dream Now) by the most excellent Year 5000. Man, I really need to go to sleep. Is this 75 words yet? Who made this stupid 75 word rule? I should be able to post "junk junk baby" and post it as a new fanpost with no explanation. And where the crap is the SBNation Android App? Hurry up already!


and random picture question of the night (night to me) is:

What restaurant bathroom did I take this picture in? (In Vancouver)
