

I got my card in the mail today and well I’m extremely disappointed. The protective plastic cover that came on it was already halfway off both of the cards which basically render it a piece of cardboard. This isn’t going to last the season let alone a splash of beer on opening night.

I would like to know if anyone else has this issue with their season ticket card.

My Card Beef… besides the fact that I was sold 'season tickets' I am a huge fan of collecting tickets and jotting a note on the back of the ticket of a good memory that I took away from the game I then put these up around my blazers posters in my man cave/blazer den. Call me traditional but I want my tickets back not this hokey piece of crap.

The goal to for them is to save money I feel that the savings doesn’t cover the disappointment I have.

Please note any comments good or bad so I can refer my blazers sales rep to look at.