

Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone is interested in joining a fantasy league to give us one more thing to satisfy our bball cravings. I have set up a league in Yahoo, which I have a fair amount of experience with, but am open to another format if someone already has something going. I am going to let the post run for a day or two to see if there is decent response... and if so I'll post more about joining the league in the comments. Otherwise, I don't want to get over zealous and post info that is irrelevant if there aren't a decent number of folks interested.

I know we here at Blazers Edge are some of the most dedicated followers of our team, and I am hoping for people who can be rather dedicated to managing their fantasy teams as well. If this is you, please just post a small blurb that you're interested and I'll update accordingly. Thanks.... and here's to our real Blazers having a great season and figuring things out!