
Nolan Smith, Armon Johnson are bumped down the PG depth chart


"We got Crawford and Raymond who can play the point and who will play the point," McMillan said after today's practice. "We got two experienced point guards and they're (Nolan and Armon) playing behind them. That's pretty much what it is." This is nothing new, if you've followed Nate's coaching career with even a casual interest (FWIW, Portland's most-recent lottery choice -- Jerryd Bayless -- says 'hi") So...I wonder if Elliott Williams is going to pick up the PT scraps behind Mssrs Felton, Matthews and Crawford? "Before we picked up Crawford, we had young inexperienced guards," McMillan said. " Now we just bumped those guys behind Felton and Crawford but they'll both get their chance at some point." AJ will get his "chance at some point"? Does Nate mean for the Idaho Stampeeders, or perhaps in a different NBA uniform? That would break Marcus Camby's heart...but it's all part of the game. Depth is a good thing to have, and the young legs will come in handy, when the schedule catches up with the veterans (BTW, I think I'm going to like this Chris Haynes fella from CSNNW. Buzztap has also been berry-berry good for me, these past 6-8 months)