
Lets Blow It Up!!!

That's it, I have had enough. No GM, Brandon retiring, the Oden drama continues, ahhhhhh!!! I am now officially "over" this team for this season and I think its time to blow it up. I think we need to amnesty Roy officially so his contract is gone and doesnt come back to haunt us like Darius Miles' did, then dump Oden b/c after his most recent "setback" I have lost all faith in him ever getting healthy again. We aren't going to go anywhere this season, except to another 1st round exit from the playoffs, so I say lets look to the future.

I say we keep Aldridge, Batum, and Felton as our core moving forward. Then we need to package Camby a/o Wallace and some young guys for a solid player, and finally plan to get a nice free agent with some fresh cap space in 2012/2013. Anyone else feel the same way?