
How much would YOU pay for hope?

Ok so the world has ended, Roy done, Oden out yet another year, and on the same day " ThePortland Trail BlazersandGreg Odenagreed to a restructured one-year contract " I say to myself, Huh?

So i had to ask myself the question "if i were Paul Allen or anyone of his ilk, how much would I pay for hope." I mean think about it, 5 years now and 82 games played. Of course i am referring to Oden, the hope being.....elite centers win titles. It is proven, and the combo of LMA and Oden makes anyone jealous.....if/when Oden is healthy. But one out of five years, i looked for a case study similar. There are none, in any sport. Not one player i could find has missed four of there first 5 years in there respective leagues.

So again, How much would you pay for hope? Because that is all that Oden has given this team, that and heartbreak. Now i don't want to hear the random "injuries arent his fualt" crap. Dont care about that, facts are facts. One out of five years, ill say it again. I don't want to hear the Oden hope-fulls that will say that Oden will pull through, no he wont AND thats not the point. Simply, how much......if you were Allen or any other super rich NBA owner......would you pay for hope.

Paul Allen for the record has paid atleast 20million for one player named Greg Oden, and counting. Myself, i would have cut bait on Oden as soon as he was healthy enough to trade him for a good value. Wait has that ever happened?

P.S. Sorry about the tone, this whole day has sucked. I am seriously upset/mad/angry/disappointed/sad/and any other word similar to that you can think of about this whole Roy and Oden thing. Hope this distracts anyone feeling like i am..... slightly.