

我一直在想…是的,交易是令人兴奋的,新球员!!总是如此。哦,还有一个所有人都梦寐以求的机会,在他的合同到期后得到邓威。或者霍华德. .但是,嘿,我们现在在场上的那些人呢?他们应该得到一个啊- men。看看我们的花名册,除了洛杉矶。甚至没有人接近全明星的地位。他们实际上都是角色扮演者。 Now you could make the argument.. Well Batum has crazy potential.. and Mathews has his all star performance nights once or twice every two weeks. and Dre is a solid PG. But nothing 5 star caliber. These guys deserve some praise for what they have done.. after all the injuries.. the quick firing of KP.. the leaving of monty. The whole new assistant coaching staff. And still. they keep trucking with an above average record and if they playoffs started now? We would be atleast be in them. Pure heart. LA has become a monster. he deserves all the credit in the world for pulling this team together. They all deserve credit for not just completely becoming a disaster. and so does Nate. Now i wont disagree, we do need a move if Roy cant come back and be half himself. But for now, how can we not be proud of these guys? I keep reading posts with people looking at trades just to make moves.. looking for the fastest way to get rid of some of these guys. And to me they are crazy ideas! We have some hard workers and dedicated players on this team. Its great to see.