
Trade Idea for which I Expect to Be Mocked

This is my trade idea, so please give me a chance to justify it.

I don't have illusions that Mayo will be great. I think that he could be a capable backup two playing occasionally at the one. This could be useful in light of Roy's extended absence and our shallowness at PG. At the very worst, he is off the books after next year. At the best, he could be a useful rotation player at a reasonable pay rate. I think Mayo could use a fresh start on an established team with high character veterans.

Thabeet has no value. He and Marks basically provide the same level of contribution. There is a one in a million shot that Camby could help him the way he helped some of theClippersbig men, but I think it is unlikely. The truth is, he comes off the books next year and could be a trade asset before that.

The salaries are very similar, and Mayo provides a quality backcourt bench option to pair with Fernandez. Reports are that Memphis is anxious to remove Thabeet since he is a continuing reminder of their draft ineptitude.

What do you think?