
Cho pulls the deal KP never could

I am very happy for Rich Cho today. He did what the Golden Boy never could. He stole a very good to great player for next to nothing. Pritch had countless opportunities to make deals like this with tons of assets and huge expiring contracts but couldn't get the deal we needed or wanted. And Cho did it while being hamstrung by injuries to the team robbing him of much of his flexability.

This was a textbook trade by Cho who got what he wanted by offering expiring contracts, fringe players, and picks that should land in the back half of the draft. When the deal was leaked and Jordan backpedaled Cho did not panic and give up Rudy or Batum to keep the deal together. He worked the phones, looked for other deals, and allowed Charlette to come back to him.

Cho played well with Larry Miller and Paul Allen and everybody won, something Pritch and Penn said couldn't be done. Bravo to you sir....and thank you.

Cho 'nuff