


华尔街日报有一篇文章达伦·艾弗森而且本•科恩所有NBA和大学球员在投进三分球后“戴上了哑剧眼镜”。是的,他们称赞开拓者:-----------------------这个护目镜是本赛季早些时候在波特兰开的一个玩笑。帕蒂·米尔斯是NBA开拓者队的后卫,她喜欢取笑队友鲁迪·费尔南德斯视力不好。米尔斯说:“我总是会因为他看不见东西而给他一点——嗯,不是一点点,而是很多悲伤。”在一场比赛的上半场,费尔南德斯的远射表现不佳。米尔斯说他在中场休息时告诉费尔南德斯,他需要眼镜或隐形眼镜之类的东西。半场结束后,费尔南德斯投进了几个三分球。他转向坐在板凳上的米尔斯,用食指和大拇指在眼睛上方围成一个圈,另外三根手指向上伸出。“就像,‘我不需要眼镜。我有三个完美的护目镜,’”米尔斯说。 ----------------------- So, how did it spread so fast to the college ranks? It seems Wesley Matthews may have had a hand in that: ----------------------- While some teams don't even know where the goggles came from or what the gesture means, others are fully aware. Marquette's players started to mark three-pointers with goggles for their Jan. 10 home game against Notre Dame after Wesley Matthews, a Marquette alumnus now with the Trail Blazers, called Johnson-Odom, a Marquette junior guard, and told him about the latest trend in Portland. "He made sure that we did it," Johnson-Odom said. -----------------------艾德:挤到头版了