

我知道开拓者一直在为他们最好的教练、医生和医护人员辩护。据我所知,那可能是真的。伤病的突然出现可能与糟糕的建议、糟糕的训练理念或糟糕的伤病康复无关。这真的可能是巧合。我不是说的人。但罗伊回归的方式是荒谬的,令人难以置信。有一天他的计划是每场比赛15分钟,背靠背的第2场比赛零分钟(这个计划已经被忽略了,让他上场平均每场多出33%的时间)。现在医生说他每场比赛可以打25分钟,背靠背的第二场比赛可以打15-20分钟。在4场比赛中,医疗队的背靠背比赛时间从15分钟增加到45分钟。背靠背的两场比赛总上场时间增加了两倍。 This feels totally arbitrary. There is no magical formula of course on how to do this but it certainly doesn't seem cautious, conservative or prudent. Regardless of the medical staff's surgical and diagnostic prowess they and the coaching staff seem wildly cavalier and inconsistent with regards to Roy and minutes played. It looks unprofessional to me.